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We all can look in the mirror and find something wrong with our skin, a wrinkle or spider vein here, sun damage, rosacea or acne scars there. But most of us don't know that there are painless, quick procedures available that reverse and repair all of these problems.

A revolutionary procedure can solve multiple problems without having to endure pain, give up a lot of your time or face a long and painful recovery. Photorejuvenation is a new, laser-like procedure that uses pulses of light to treat sun damage, wrinkles, rosacea, spider veins, reduce pore size, treat acne scarring and restore the skin's youthful elasticity.

Mark Nestor, M.D., Ph.D., with the Center for Cosmetic Enhancement® in Aventura, FL, says this procedure does just what its name says, it rejuvenates the skin. "We can dramatically improve the signs of aging, sun damage and rosacea in the time it takes for you to eat lunch," Dr. Nestor says. "What's even more impressive is that there is virtually no pain associated with the procedure, and no recovery time needed. You can return to work immediately." For the busy lifestyle that most of us lead today, this is very important.

The light pulses penetrate the skin, working deep within the collagen underneath. The pulses work over a period of time to restore the natural elasticity of your skin and to improve its pigment, pores and overall appearance. Patients will need approximately 5 treatments in order to experience the best results. This process eliminates the need for recovery, and allows the patient to continue with their day-to-day activities without pain, discomfort or adverse visible changes.