Irina Milman, DO

Dr. Irina Milman is an experienced general dermatologist with expertise in the practice of both medical and cosmetic dermatology. Dr. Milman’s educational and training background include graduating magna cum laude from Florida Atlantic University, and serving as chief resident during the final year of her medical residency. Additionally, she has a strong background in clinical research and dermoscopy, a non-invasive technique for early diagnosis of skin cancers.

Dr. Milman received her medical degree from Nova Southeastern University. She then went on to complete her internship and Family Medicine Residency at Broward General Hospital. She completed her Dermatology Residency at PCOM/North Fulton Hospital in Georgia, serving as a chief resident in her last year.

In between the two residencies she spent time working in private practice in family medicine. She also spends time doing research and studying dermoscopy with Dr. Harold Rabinovitz, a MOHS surgeon and word-renowned dermoscopy expert.

Dr. Milman enjoys spending time with her husband and two daughters. She also enjoys photography and the outdoors.